The following are the responsibilities of the Team Manager:
Parent Contact
All HT Heat teams are required to have an allocated Team Manager whose role is vital in ensuring that the team runs smoothly and the coach can concentrate on coaching. The Team Manager will be supported in this role by a Committee member who acts as Team Manager Liaison.
Identify the best method of contacting parents in your team. This may be to get together an email or SMS list that enables one quick communication with the whole team.
Scoring Roster
Each team must provide a scorer for each game. Draw up a roster for the season that includes every parent taking turns at attending training and scoring at games. Some parents may be available for games and not for training so they may pick up extra turns at scoring. New parents may require coaching as to how to score and the best method is to have an experienced scorer sit with them. There is additional information available under scoring.
One adult must be present in addition to the coach in case of injury requiring immediate attention.
- The first few weeks (usually 5 – 6) are grading games so game details are only available in the middle of the week the game is to be played (usually Wednesday).
- Full Fixtures for the remainder of the season are usually available after about round 6 or 7 and these are available on the association website link. Occasionally there may be changes to a game time or venue due to unforeseeable circumstances (e.g. repairs at a stadium) so it is a good idea to check each week.
- Full Season:
- You can provide your players with a copy of the fixture that includes all game details and even allocate scorers for each game etc.
- You may choose to do this as an update each week
- You can choose to provide them with the website link and they can check it themselves but you will still need to do the scorer roster
- Ensure players are aware of game times / venues
- Please request that your players contact you when they are not able to play. This will enable you to ensure you have enough players for a game in advance of game time. If you will have less than 6 players please notify the Team Manager Liaison who will refer the request for fill-in players. For more information please see fill-in players
Singlet clashes
Singlet clashes occur where both competing teams wear light blue singlets. The most common clashes for HT Heat are Donvale Dunker and Waverley Raiders and when we are playing another HT Heat team.
The team named first on the fixture / score sheet must wear alternate singlets. The HT Heat uniform is reversible for this reason and the team will play as RED.
Score Sheet/Team Sheet
Score Sheets are no longer used all team information is to be checked on the electronic scoring system.
- Check all information is correct including players names / numbers and select players on the electronic scoring system.
- Team sheet fees are paid at the stadium window using the money you have been provided by the club
- At half time the scorer must deselect names of any players who did not attend
- If a player is not listed they can manually add the player on the electronic scoring system
- If they are a fill-in player please ensure they are eligible to play in your team by checking the Schedule for Rule 15 ( Please note that if you are using someone from another team, players can only play one game /age group in a round. A Bye is counted as a round. For more information please see fill-in players
- If proposing a perm addition to the team ensure the Club Registrar is notified by emailing the club
Player non-eligibility and not providing details are the 2 main reasons games are forfeited
The regular season commences once grading games are complete. However, in the first couple of weeks you will need to ensure all players are listed and singlet numbers are correct on the electronic scoring system.
If a player is not listed (whether a new permanent addition or a fill-in) please ensure their details (name & date of birth) are added to the system.
Team sheet fees still need to paid on arrival at the stadium.
If a team forfeits due to insufficient player numbers / player availability, the team manager will deduct the forfeit fee from the Team Sheet fees and forward to the treasurer for payment of the MEBA penalty invoice.
The additional cost over the normal Team Sheet fee will need to be met by the players – The Fine for a Forfeit is $100. If a Huntingtower team Forfeits and the team sheet has been paid, it is the team managers responsibility to get a refund of the team sheet. Venue entry is also refunded if there is a Forfeit. The team manager then has to transfer the $100 to our club Treasurer so that the fine can be paid.
It is preferable to NOT have a Forfeit not only due to the fees – but also because a Forfeit will provide you with NIL points for the game – whereas a loss will give the team 1 point towards the seasons tally.
Please see the guidance on how to AVOID the heavy penalties associated with Forfeits … on the Downloads page – referring to the “MEBA Walkover Policy” and the “Age Grid” for getting substitute players… Also keep in mind that a player can only play in ONE team per day in the same age group (otherwise will forfeit the game for the second team played in the same age category … therefore is usually best to get a fill in player from a younger age group… see the Age Grid for who can qualify to fill in for your team.